Wednesday, 3 June 2015

#115- #118 Others of Edenton box set book 1-2, Brandy L Rivers

#115 Book 0.5- New beginings, Brandy L Rivers

This was a great book to set up a foundation for the rest in the series to follow. It was also a great standalone book with decent characters that dragged the reader into the book and into the story.

The two main characters are Jess and Slater, Jess a werewolf desperate to escape her ass of an alpha and Slater the Alpha she runs to. The two feel a bond towards each other and although they try to deny it soon enough they can’t stay away from each other. With the looming threat of a deranged member of the pack looking to become Alpha by killing Slater and putting Jess at risk the two become inseparable. The two characters are unlike characters in other books I’ve been reading as neither one of them are looking for love.

The secondary characters include Brody, Victoria and Gregory while there are lots of other characters these are the ones I found most noteworthy in this book. Brody is a higher up member of the pack and practically Slater’s right hand man, he is also a great friend to Jess as she gets settled in her new life at Edenton. Victoria is Slater’s vampire lover, she is the person who has been there for Slater forever and is still happy enough to advise Slater to go after Jess. Gregory is Jess’s old alpha the one who she is so desperate to get away from that she moves to Edenton.

The storyline and pacing while similar to other books I’ve read from the paranormal genre however it did have the big difference of being inclusive of other paranormal species, not just werewolves. I think the inclusion of these characters will be a big feature of the books as it gives the series more than one path that can be taken. I also liked that there was a slight twist at the end that I didn’t see coming.

I would give this book a 4.5 star rating and I think I read it at just the right time when I needed a break from other types of books. On to book 2; In Too Deep

#116 Book 1- In too deep, Brandy L Rivers

 This book had a lot more going on than the first one; there were many levels and new challenges that the characters have to face.

The book is focused on Fallon and Brody; characters we were first introduced to in ‘New Beginings’. Fallon is a very tattooed friend of Jess, after a bad break up with her boyfriend she decides to move to the town Edenton with Jess. There she finds Brody, a good friend of Jess and a character we know quite well from the previous book. Brody is a man grieving the death of his wife until he meets Fallon after that Fallon pretty much consumes his every thought and wish. Pretty soon, the two characters get together however with a vampire gang causing a menace of themselves Brody and Fallon will have to put up a fight to stay together.

There are lots of secondary characters in this book but since I think a lot of them mentioned in this book are going to have a book based on them later in the series I am just going to wait until I read deeper into them in their own books.

The storyline was very imaginative and I liked how the author brought in the ancient feud between vampires and werewolves to cause a problem between the two main characters. The pacing was excellent introducing the characters well and giving them sufficient time to get to know each other and fall in love before making them a proper couple and adding in the next problem in their relationship.

4 stars a really good book

#117 Book 1.5- Shadows fall, Brandy L Rivers

This was a fun and quick read about a character I would very much like to read more on and who I expect will come up in other books in this series.

The main character is Amethyst, she is a nymph with a difficult ex boyfriend who just does not seem to want to give her up and is causing problems in her life. She is on the brink of deciding whether or not to move to Edenton to get away from her problems.

There were some secondary characters however I think they will be expanded on in their own books.

The storyline and pacing were good keeping readers hooked from the very first page. I found the storyline to be refreshing and simplistic, possibly leading up to the next book in the series but still enjoyable. The pacing was very fitting to such a short book and it allowed readers to gain a true interest in the characters.

4.5 star stars, a really good quick read.

#118 Book 2- Shadows of the past, Brandy L Rivers

This book has expanded an already wide universe massively and I think I am beginning to fall in love with the town the series is set around. I do wonder however just how many people the author can fit in one place. In this book I also began to feel bad for one of the secondary characters who as of yet do not have a book based upon them.

This book expands on the character in the previous book Amethyst and an existing member of the town members, Hayden. It is practically a follow on from the book ‘Shadows Fall’ as it picks up from the predicament Amethyst is facing at the end of the book. In this book however she meets Hayden a police officer from Edenton who intrigues her instantly and the two become involved; with a new risk being brought to this small town it challenges the new relationship between Amethyst and Hayden.

The secondary characters in this book are again similar to in the rest of the series and I think some of them will have books based on them; however I do want to note that in this book I felt bad for Dacia and Clint and I seriously think they either need to find their mates soon or get together.

The pacing and storyline were great; the storyline was brilliantly original and the pacing kept me interested until the very last page.

An enjoyable read 4.5 stars

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