Saturday 14 March 2015

Currently Reading 14/03/15

Hello, readers and if i am the only reader then at least I'm keeping myself right by making these lists, I am after all a person who plans with lists. It is time for an update since the list of books I set myself in January is almost complete and I need something to keep me going and along the right track, well almost as since I've updated you on my challenge and I've gone a bit AWOL in the past 2 months reading only a few books that I'd set myself to read and then a lot in between.

You will have also finished my 100th book review meaning I can almost call myself a reviewer but since I do it not as frequently as I would like I should hold off an giving myself that title. So I have continued with requesting books to review on both goodreads and netgallery and have got myself a list of 42 books which are awaiting reading then reviewing so the next 5 are:
  1. Lovers pounce, Claudia M Farwell (kindle) 
  2. The Dwarf and The Twins, Katharina Gerlach (kindle)
  3. Fatal Call, Martha Bourke (kindle)
  4. Hers to Bear,  Tamara Hoffa (kindle)
  5. The Nightlife Moscow, Travis Luedke (kindle)

I am also speeding ahead with my yearly reading challenge having now read 36 of 126 and I'm 11 books ahead of scedule. So I know I have just this month done a huge list of all the books I've read so far so I only now have 3 books to add, these are:
  1. Missy Goes To West Point, P G Alison (kindle)
  2. Lover's Purr, Clausia M Farwell (kindle)
  3. Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy, Ally Carter(paperback)

I am currently reading only one book since I've been to Leeds this weekend and haven't had time to start any new ones, the book I'm reading is 
  1.  All these things I’ve done, Gabrielle Zevin (kindle)

I've also been to my library back at home to have some time sensitive books; these are the ones I'm going to be starting shortly:
  1. The Assassins curse, Cassandra Rose Clarke (paperback)
  2. Eternal captive, Laura Wright (paperback)
  3. Young knights of the round table, Julia Golding (paperback)
  4. Code name Verity, Elizabeth Wein (paperback)

Just to keep me busy and in odd number I'm going to add another paperback book with the list of 5 kindle books I'm reading next so...
  1. The killing, Robert Muchamore (paperback)
  2. First Frost, Jennifer Estep (kindle)
  3. Sisters Red, Jackson Pearce (kindle)
  4. Council of evil, Andy Briggs (kindle)
  5. If I stay, Gayle Forman (kindle)
  6. Marked, P C Cast (kindle)

Let's see how this one goes
Happy Reading Guys

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